Recognizing a unique opportunity to fundamentally change the landscape of personalized patient engagement, we set out to design a solution that fills an important gap in portal activation and consumer experience. Coming into the project with a deep understanding of the complexities that reside in true person-centric health technology solutions, KOR is designed to empower human engagement by improving users’ overall health across multiple domains of information. It motivates and compels users to interact and communicate with KOR, with their caregivers, and their family members using familiar devices (iPhone / iPad) to improve their health and well-being. To do this, KOR uses a personal health and resource information aggregator and content delivery system that is relevant, contextual and engaging — delivering a highly intuitive user experience that transcends any solution on the market to date. KOR learns about the user through repeated interactions, enabling it to serve up relevant information and important health guidance based on each user’s unique needs — when and where it’s needed.
Thanks to Lift1428 (strategy, UI design), Abeyon (UX development), and the founders at KOR
(all the big ideas and science behind human behavior).
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